Mental Health Services



Daybreak clients  with complex mental health diagnoses are assigned to a licensed mental health clinician and participate in groups facilitated by trained staff designed to manage symptomology associated with their mental illness. Each client sees a licensed Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner for medication administration and management if medication is necessary.

The treatment team is multi-disciplinary by design including: licensed mental health counseling and social workers or mental health counselors cross-trained in chemical dependency counseling. Because of the unique needs of adolescents, Daybreak individualizes the treatment plans and the nature of therapeutic interventions.

  • Provide an in-depth assessment regarding thechallenges, strengths, and needs of the client and family
  • Provide clear recommendations regarding home structure and follow-up therapy to help the client, family and caregivers.
  • Help the client to understand, internalize and embrace not only a program of recovery from chemical dependency, but also a healthy lifestyle.


The treatment community is designed to be a compassionate and safe, but highly structured environment in which behavioral interventions may be made. This program allows us to keep clients under close observation in order to make immediate behavioral interventions and be available to give them the attention that they need.

  • Group therapylead by trained staffin one- to two-hour blocks on weekday mornings and afternoons, on specific evenings and on weekends.
  • Gender specific groups are held twice a week.
  • Education regarding issues pertinent to recovery from chemical dependency, self-esteem, gender issues, and adolescent development take place at least five times weekly at various times during the day.
  • Individual therapy sessions are held throughout the day and early evening, with each client receiving a minimum one hour per week. Clients often receive several 20-30 minute brief sessions weekly in response to crises or to prevent building up of tensions.
  • Family therapy sessions areoffered weekly.
  • Parent’sPsychoeducationGroup is offered weekly.
  • 12-step meetings are offered three times weekly.
  • Academicinstruction is provided by two certified teachers for 2 ½ hours on weekdays.


Our living and treatment spaces are warm and safe, yet highly structured in order to facilitate behavioral coaching and teaching. Within the environment, our skills coaches provide feedback and coaching about recovery issues and effective behavior.

Clients have light, daily chores, such as keeping their rooms clean, to helping with meal clean-up.


Each client has an assigned Primary Counselor. Clients receive a minimum of one hour of scheduled individual therapy per week. Additional counseling sessions occur on an as-needed basis.


Family participation in therapy has proven to dramatically increase a teen’s chances of recovery . Family sessions are arranged with the Primary Psychoeducation Counselor. There is also a parents’ psychoeducation group held weekly.


Each day clients receive education on issues pertinent to their recovery and growth relative to managing the symptomology of their mental illness and their substance use. Additional subjects include self-esteem, adolescent development, and gender specific issues.


Skills groups address four areas of mental health and substance use disorder which are commonly problematic for adolescents: mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]